Sunday, October 5, 2008

India Trip- Certain blogworthy aftermaths!!!

India Trip- Certain blogworthy aftermaths!!!

I have some changes offlate in some less meaningful lives of some human souls..they arent so blogworthy..but definately will blog them as they do make an interesting zbicyyy :P talk about.

Watch out this space for more.First Let me get busy and bad !!!

1 comment:

Radhika said...

more a message than a comment..just adding this to a very obvious place so you will find it.(couldnt find an email id to send this to)
ok..reason im scratching your arm for attention is that i nearly fell off my chair tday when i found out my blog had a 'follower'. so, im very flattered(and smug--this never happened before)..and i thought id say a polite 'hello' (knowing youre telugu added an element of curiosity too) is 'hi'.. ( things go..i guess its your turn to drop a few polite lines .. OR completely ignore me :o) )